L. Scott Brooksby, DDS, CFII,ATP,A&P, MEI
2022 Taylor Cutoff Rd
Sequim, WA 98382
Check out our Sequim dental office at drbrooksby.com.
We use our Executive Leadership training program to provide flight instruction. This allows you to write the flight training off on your taxes.
The communication between a student and his instructor is the most important factor in learning to fly. If you understand what the instructor is telling you then stick with that instructor. If after a lesson you think "I didn't understand a thing he said" then you should find another instructor. Scott Brooksby, DDS, CFII
Scott is an avid flyer and loves to teach and fly. He earned his instructor's rating in March of 2001. He earned is ATP in April 2011 and his float plane rating in January of 2012. One of the problems that seems to plague many flight students is that often the flight instructors at many flight schools are teaching just to build time so that they can fly for the airlines. Often the student would build many hours, but never solo, or the instructor would leave and the student would have to play catch up with another instructor. This can be frustrating and expensive.
Our high performance aircraft have autopilots and up to date radios. He emphasizes the importance of learning to fly in all kinds of weather conditions. What good is it to only fly on calm wind days? You may get to an airport that has really nasty winds or the weather has gotten worse. If you do not know how to handle the plane in these conditions you will not be happy and it is not safe.
Many of the seasoned pilots at North Las Vegas airport where he used to teach have commented that Scott's students are some of the best prepared pilots minted at that airport. One recent multi-engine student remarked that he had learned more in one hour with Scott than four hours with any other instructor in his 2000 hours of flying. Another student, after over forty hours with one of the other flight schools without soloing soloed in twelve hours with Scott on a day when the winds were forty degrees from the runway at 15 gusting to 25 knots.
Most of our students solo within 5 to 12 hours. We want you to get out on your own as soon as possible, because that is where you are truly able to stretch your wings.
Dr. Brooksby decided that he could use his love of flying and teaching to help others learn to fly. He wanted to find a way for the average person to be able to learn to fly. He developed several programs to help people accomplish this goal.
You work with Dr. Brooksby to learn the skills necessary to become a pilot. Dr. Brooksby teaches students for their sport pilot rating, private pilot, instrument rating, commercial rating and flight instructor ratings.
Each time a person refers a friend to Dr. Brooksby's dental practice they earn one hour of free flight instruction. If a patient has more than $2,000 of dental work done, Dr. Brooksby pays for the airplane rental.
Dr. Brooksby has been teaching people to solve difficult problems for years. He has been a member of Toastmasters and taught leadership skills through his involvement with the Boy Scouts of America.